Bio Extratus
Bio Extractus Umectant Line Full 6 Products+ Brite - Bio Extratus
Umectante - Umply, hydration and nutrition
The umectant line brings all the power of coconut oil in a unique mix of ingredients that will treat your wires from the inside out. The result is maximum hydration, deep nutrition and damage repair.
It has an oil with high emolience, which nourishes, moisturizes, promotes brightness and health.
Vegetable amino acids
Reconstruct the thread from the inside out, unifying your texture.
Immediate conditioning action that treats fiber from the inside out. Formula anti-secession and moistant, with high power of nutrition, hydration and regeneration of wires. Zero% petrolates and parabens.
Shampoo Cleaning Umetant Coconut Oil - 250 ml
It promotes smooth cleaning and acts in the capillary fiber from the inside out, starting the nutrition and hydration process already in this step. Formula anti-securing and moistant, which cleans and regenerates the wires. Zero% petrolates, parabens and salt.
Nutritional Conditioner - 250ml Bottle
Immediate conditioning action that treats fiber from the inside out. Formula anti-secession and moistant, with high power of nutrition, hydration and regeneration of wires. Zero% petrolates and parabens. Released to Low Poo.
Maxima moisturizing cream - pot 250g
Formula anti-securing, with high moody power. It acts in the capillary fiber from the inside out, giving maximum hydration, deep nutrition and repair of damage. Zero% petrolates and parabens. Released to Low Poo.
Finisher protects, nourishes and hydrates - 150g bisnaga
Anti-secession and moistant formula that gives moisturizing, conditioning and nutrition. Protect from external aggressions like sun, wind, heat of dryer, chapinha and others. Zero% petrolates and parabens. Released to Low Poo.
Butter Coconut Action Immediate Antiessecation
Immediate action anti-secession formula, with high concentration of conditioning, nutritious and umotted assets. Age in the capillary fiber from the inside out, conferring maximum moisturizing and deep repair of the damage. Zero% petrolates and parabens. Released to Low Poo.
30g sachet.
Coconut Oil - Intensive Treatment - Bottle 40ml
Nourishes, moisturizes, promotes brightness and health.
- AMPLATE: Apply Mecha by Mecha, let it take 30 minutes or more and wash.
- Nightlife: Apply before bed, put a cap and wash in the morning.
- Moisturizing potential: Add a few drops in your cream bath.
- Continuous hydration: Add a few drops on your finisher. Do not rinse.