Sun Gold
Frizz Solution Blond Bleaching Hydrogen Peroxide OX 30 Volumes 1L - Sun Gold
Complement of the bleaching powder for discoloration. It acts by doing the process of oxidation of ammonia by acting as a destabilizing that releases the oxygen of the scalp, thus acting as a vehicle that reaches the capillary cortex, generating perfect results.
Discoloration is a process that changes the existing natural melanin content in Cortex of the capillary fiber. Initially hydrogen peroxide is stored in acid solutions and added alkaline solutions at the time of use, ammonia is a substance more used in alkaline solutions. The degree of discoloration occurs according to the contact time, darker hair require longer. Discoloration involves two phases: in the first there is dispersion and dissolution of melanin granules; In the second there is a slow discoloration. In the dispersion and dissolving phase occurs the destruction of different connections that maintains the structure of pigment particles, in the slow discoloration phase, melanin polymer structures are broken. Several damage can be caused by this process, the oxidation reaction does not change only melanin granules, it also destroys some misulfect bridges within the keratins, causing the weakening of the fiber structure.
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