Divina Dama
Bluish Black Henê Powder Straightening Dyeing Henna 200g - Divina Dama
You also need to buy Cream for Hene (To mix).
Perfumed Henê Powder, natural and progressive straightening. Straighten your hair.
Keratin - Formed by amino acids, it represents about 90% of the hair, it is responsible for the integrity of the hair. It works as a protection and filling in faults caused by external processes or dysfunction.
ATTENTION: Before starting to apply this product, carefully read the instructions on the packaging.
Contains in this package: Straightening Sachet, Coloring Sachet, Pair of Gloves and Thermo Activating Cap.
- Separate a small lock of hair on top of the head (Central Region);
- Mix a little of the product according to the instructions for use;
- Apply the mixture with a plastic comb on the strand that separated and every 15 minutes comb the strand to check that the hair is in good condition, thus determining the degree of resistance of the strands;
- If you are sure that the hair is breaking, remove the product immediately, this means that the hair is not in good condition to receive the product. In this case, it is recommended to make a treatment with the Divine Dama Line and only after total recovery of the hair return to do another test before using the product.
- Place two (02) tablespoons of each sachet, in a non-metallic container, and two (02) tablespoons of White Hydrating Amazon Cream, mix well until obtaining a creamy and homogeneous mass, in case the mixture becomes very consistent, add another half tablespoon of White Cream.
- Apply to the hair strand by strand spreading well over the entire length of the strands, then put the thermo activator cap included in the kit and let it act for 1 to 2 hours.
- After the determined time, wash your hair with Shampoo to remove the product, rinse with Conditioner. If you prefer a more intense and lasting smooth, finish with a brush or board.
FREQUENCY OF USE: In the first phase, apply once a week for 4 to 8 weeks, after this period, apply the product only on the root (touch-up) every 15 days.
- Leave your hair without washing for three days before applying Henê.
- Alternate the use of Henê of your favorite color with the Colorless version, which ensures the same treatment and straightening, without coloring your hair.
NOTE: This product must be protected from excessive heat, humidity and direct sunlight. Only mix the product at the time of use, the rest not used in the mixture can be kept separate in its proper sachets. To achieve the desired result, the Alisante and Colorante sachets must be used together.
- Smoothing sachet: Sodium Bonzoate, Ammonium Chloride, Cupric Chloride, Pyrogallol, Lawsonia Intermis Extract Parfum, Copper Sulfate, Avena Sativa Starch.
- Color Sachet: Avena Sativa Starch, P-phenilenediamine, Ammonium Chloride, Copper Sulfate, Henna, Cupric Chloride, Sodium Bonzoate, Parfum.
- -01 Divina Dama Bluish Black Henê Powder Straightening Henna 200g